Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Internet Explorer 7 opens with a blank screen

q: We have a Windows XP SP2 system that has been having a lot of problems with Internet Explorer.  Currently IE7 won't connect and just opens with blank screen.  Occasionally it will have a status of "connecting..."

a: Run this AMAZING! IE Re-register script

Versions: (please download the correct one for your Windows version!)
ie8-rereg.zip: for IE7/8 on 32bit-Windows
ie8-rereg.32on64.zip: for 32bit IE8 on 64bit Windows
ie8-rereg.64on64.zip: for 64bit IE8 on 64bit Windows
ie8-rereg.all.zip: contains all the above scripts

I ran ie8-rereg.cmd and it worked like magic.  So many wasted hours.

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