Friday, January 27, 2012

Shoretel Caller ID is Unknown for Mobile Cell Phones

q: we have an issue where forwarded calls and outbound calls to mobile phones from our ShoreTel SG-220T1A phone switch showed up as 'UNKNOWN' and it didn't even list the phone number.
a: The company that installed the phone system along with AT&T just threw up their hands.  We thought it was related to a Caller ID issue.  However, a short google search found this Very Helpful post: - They provide clear instructions where you insert a ;2E in the Custom Trunk Group Dialing Rules.  A quick call to some cell phones proved this to work and has resolved that issue.

  1. You will need to enter Support Mode in Director
  3. Press and hold the CTRL and Shift Key / Click on the U in User Name of the Log in, in Director
  4. You will see a Red Support Entry Mode appear under the User name and Password
  5. Log in normally to Director
  6. Click on Trunks on the left, then click on Trunk Groups
  7. Click on the name of your Trunk Group
  8. Then scroll all the way to the bottom of the page where you see the last button is "Trunk Group Dialing Rules:  Custom"  Click Edit
  9. Type    ;2E     into this field, click save.
  10. Perform a test call in amazement.

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