Thursday, January 19, 2012

WMSVC Web Management Service on Server 2008

q: During the continued configuration of Microsoft's ARR, we tried to start the WMSVC service and got this error:  IISWMSVC_STARTUP_UNABLE_TO_READ_CERTIFICATE

Unable to read the certificate with thumbprint '********'.  Please make sure the SSL certificate exists and that is correctly configured in the Management Service page.

a: This was an easy fix.
  1. Open IIS (Internet Information Services Manager),
  2. Click on the Server Name on the left
  3. In the middle pane, scroll down to the bottom, double-click "Management Service"
    1. Check the box to (X) Enable remote connections
    2. On the SSL certificate field, simply use the dropdown to select the default certificate already on the system
    3. In the right pane | click Apply
    4. In the right pane | click Start
  4. That fixes it

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