Monday, May 30, 2016

Y-U0003-DEL5 Dell Multimedia Keyboard - Media keys not working

q: Customer called with an issue where the multimedia keys on their Dell Y-U0003-DEL5 keyboard were not working. eg: next, mute, previous, etc.  This is on a new Windows 10 system.

a: We found this article that directed them to delete the "HID Keyboard Device" from Device manager, then either "scan for hardware changes" in device manager or unplug the usb keyboard and plug it back into the system. We performed the latter and they keys immediately started working.

UPDATE: That only worked for a short time. But it seems pressing CTRL or ALT and that multimedia button makes it work now. eg: CTRL+>>| (next)

Wednesday, May 18, 2016 helps you test your internet speeds - alternative to hosted by NetFlix

Script to zip up logs to date named file

q: How can we run a script weekly/monthly to zip up log files on a windows server, using a batch script and have the file be named the server & today's date?

a: This .bat assumes (1) you have izarc & izarcl installed (2) you have d:\download\ folder (3) your log files are on d:\

REM Final revision
@echo off
For /f "tokens=2-4 delims=/ " %%a in ('date /t') do (set mydate=%%c-%%a-%%b)
Set myfilename=%COMPUTERNAME%-%mydate%
echo %myfilename%
"c:\Program Files (x86)\IZArc\IZARCC.exe" -m -r -P D:\Download\ d:\u_ex*.log -$d:\Download

NOTE: again you might want to include this line at the end to empty the recycle bin:
rd /q /s d:\$RECYCLE.BIN

Microsoft releases post SP1 rollup to speed up fresh installs

A great article about Microsoft releasing a cumulative patch which makes fresh installs of Windows 7 faster.

It's available from the Windows Update Catalog (via IE).